Senior Pastor

Andrew J. Young

Andrew J. Young, II is the only son of the late Andrew Young and Mrs. Thespian P. Young. He is married to Mrs. Tracy Bedford Young (now for 24 years), both are natives of Savannah, GA and the parents of three sons- Ajani, Zuri and Najee Young. Mrs. Young is a graduate of Bennett College in Greensboro, NC; holds the Master of Education degree and is currently employed as the founding Executive Director of the Mosaic Preschool.

Both have a heart for service and outreach to the community.

Dr. Young is a graduate of Savannah State College {University} (BBA); and an honor graduate of the Interdenominational Theological Center (M. Div.) of Atlanta, GA. In 2008, he completed the Doctor of Ministry degree at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH. He has also completed the prestigious Summer Leadership Institute of the Harvard Divinity School focusing on community and lay leadership development.

Dr. Young has served in Christian ministry for 25 years. He began as a Senior Pastor at the age of 24 in 1995 leading the turn-around of a suburban Atlanta congregation that grew by more than 400% in 5 years. He has served as the Youth & Young Adult Minister at Historic Central United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA. In 2002 he began serving the Brice United Methodist Church just outside of Columbus, Ohio as the senior associate pastor. In this role he served as the congregation’s first African American staff member and was empowered to launch and lead that congregation’s first satellite multi ethnic church. In 2004 that satellite became the Community of Faith Church, which outgrew more than 75% of all UM churches in the West Ohio Conference in its first two years. In 2008 he accepted the call to return home and take the helm of the New Covenant Church (formerly Epworth UMC). In 2017, along with the relocation to its current site, New Covenant changed its’ name to Mosaic Church.

Dr. Young also has served as an Adjunct Faculty Member of the South University – College of Theology; Board Chair of the Savannah-Chatham Youth Futures Authority; the District & Conference Boards of Ordained Ministry and as Director of the Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry at Savannah State University.

Dr. Young believes in the free expression of love and thanksgiving to God and the life changing power of God’s spirit upon the believer. God has fashioned Dr. Young as a man who cherishes his family and champions his community.

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"For No Eye Has Seen, Nor Ear Heard, Nor Has Even Entered Into the Hearts of Men, That Which God Has Prepared for Those Who Love Him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9

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